Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

ii The PREFACE. be attained, will find his account happily iu fuck lives as that of Mr. Abernethy : It may be very ferviceable to all who attentively perufe it, particularly to thofe, who have chofen the holy minillry for the bu fnefs of their lives: They will fie this flagon adorned with every thing necefary to render it reputable and ufful ; one of the found jl minds joined with one of the belt of hearts ; and a life under the power of the worthicfi principles. .H E was the fon of Mr. f ohn Abernethy, diffenting minifter in Colrain. His mo- ther was a daughter of Walkingfhaw of Walk - ingfha'w, in Renfrewfhire in Scotland. He was born Ohlober 19, 168o, and continued nine years under the care of his parents. In 1689, he was feparated from them, his father being fent by the diffenting tniniffers to London, to follicit fome , public affairs ; his mother, in the tumult occafioned by the infurre &ion of the !rig, withdrew, from her own dwelling to Derry. He at this time was with a relation in Ballymenagh, who, in that general confufion, determined to remove to Scotland ; and, having no op- portunity of conveying this child to his mother,