Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. lxv Tiered at, that the Nozfubfcribers were looked upon with great jealoufy, and that prejudices, quite invincible by reafon, were laid in againft all that they could fay. The populace, in molt places, conceived a great diflike to them and their miniftrations ; and to this the authority of the fynod (however fincere their aims and intentions might be, which I do not at all call in queftion) very much contributed. Popular reproaches fell as heavily upon Mr. Abernethy, as any man ; and he was by many as much difliked and evil fpoken of, as he had been former- ly celebrated and admired ; but fo did he conduct himfelf through the whole of this controverfy, that, neither in the fynod, nor out of it, did he give his adverfaries any advantage againft him, or the leaft occafion of enmity. His charac`ler for difcretion, candor, and greatnefs of mind, amongft all that knew him, and could judge, he ftill maintained : And, for himfelf, it was enough to him, that he did juftice to his caufe and his own confcience ; the perfonal in- conveniencies which followed upon his at- tachment to the caufe of liberty, did not move him : And he can hardly appear to the reader in a more amiable light, than by Vol.. I. e imagining