The P RE FACE, lxviî. things were not quite defperate, he conti- nued labouring to do good, and to heal the breaches that were made, with a confiant mind. Difficulties did not daunt him, nor vexatious fcenes of wrathful contention and difputation make him impatient. The ob- fervation of Solomon was admirably exem- plified in him : A wife man is flrong, and a man of knowledge increafeth firength. HE conftantly laboured againft any breach, either of minifterial or chriftian communion, on account of the prefent con - troverfies. With this view, when jealoufy and difcord were grown to a very great height, and a rupture was threatned, he wrote a paper intitled ; f afonable advice to the contending parties in the north, which was publifhed with a preface, by the re- verend Meßîeurs Weld, Boyfe, and Chappin, of Dublin. The intention it purfues from beginning to end, is to prove, that there ought to be no breach of communion amongft the proteftant diffenters in the north, on account of the late different fen timents and praétices relating to fubfcrip- tion to the WijimiVer confeffion. This paper was anonymous ; for Mr. Abernethy e 2 imagined