lxviii T h e P R E F A C E . imagined it might be more ufeful that if was not known to come from him, who was not looked upon by all, as very zea- lous, and the principal advocate for liber- ty. The paper was fometime after an- fwered by the reverend Mr. Ma/ierton. His anfwer was pretty large. Mr. Abernethy replied in a book, to which he prefixed his name, acknowledging himfelf the au- thor of the feafonable advice. To this reply there was a poftfcript by the above-named rninifters of Dublin, anfwering what related to them. I fhall l'y nothing concerning thefe performances, the world muff judge: With this the controverfy between Mr. Abernethy and Mr. Majlerton ended; but the Rate of things grew worfe and worfe; people in many places were feparating from the Nor f cbfcribing miniflers, and fome of thefe minifters were very much reproached, as utterly unfound in their religious prin- ciples, of which Mr. Abernethy bore a large (hare ; but nothing could put him fo out of humour, as to divert him from ftudying by all means to prevent a fcandalous breach of communion. SOME