lxx CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC <C CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC The PREFACE. calm and difpaffionate ; it is Rill fomething felfifh which produces perturbation. I find myfelf, in my prefent circumftances, too deeply concerned for my reputation, which many are inclined fiercely to run upon, becaufe another reputation, to which they are attached, feems to be affronted by the refiftance now made. This is a worldly intereft, which I am called to refign . and commit to God without anxiety ; all that I am to ftudy, is, that I may be approved of God, leaving to his kind and faithful providence all that concerns me : Thefe things I muff feek after ; firfl, that the free exercife and compofure of my mind may be preferved ; for when either anger or fear, worldly forrow or carnal affeäion prevail, this is deftroyed, and even my fincerity hurt. 2dly, That the more I am tempted, the greater ad- vantages I may obtain, I mean efpecially, an increafe of patience, and all the other peaceable fruits of righteoufnefs. idly, That my fervices to the church, and the precious interefts of religion, may abound more and more. My miniffry is the main bufinefs of my life ; and therefore, to be more diligent, faith- " ful