Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. lxxi ;` ful and fuccesful in it, is the point I ought " to aim at, as a proper improvement of all !° my afliitions." CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC OC CC AGAIN, " an important fubjed of my ferious confederation, is, the difcord a- mong minifters, and people of our de- nomination, which, if not timely reme-. died, may have very difmal effects. The peace of the church is to be defired by all, who love our Lord Jefus Chrift, and by all lawful means to be purfued ; but a departure from the gofpel foundations of peace, can never be juftified. To make profeffions againft the light of my own confcience, feems to me a molt heinous impiety ; in the mean time, there is not any thing I am more in danger of, than the fecret influence of corrupt motives, efpecially an undue love of reputation, fear of reproach, and the difefteem of men, who, I am fenfible, ad from an intemperate and ill informed zeal for what they think truth : This puts on the difguife of prudent caution and care to preferve my ufefulnefs in the miniflry ; but let me always remember, that my ufefulnefs, and the e q. reputation