I J `The P R .E F A C E: " reputation necefrary to it, is to be coin.; " mitted to God, and refigned to him, " never to be preferved by any finful corn- " pliances on my part. Lord, let integri- " ty and truth prefirve me, for I wait on " thee." CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC << UPON another occafion ; " The fuffi- ciency of the fcriptures to the purpofes of a divine revelation, and the right of private judgment, are the liable princi- ples of proteftantifm, in which we ought to glory : But it is ftrange, what pre- judices there are in the minds of many proteftants' againft them, as if they led to licentioufnefs. This feems to proceed from a wrong idea of religion, as if it confifled in a fet of notions, pretended to be the determinate fenfe of fcripture ; whereas, indeed, it confifts in forming our fentiments and practice on the foie authority of God, which can never be without liberty, I mean, from human decifions and fandtions. This doctrine was the fubjed of my public difcourfes this day; and it is what I muff Rand by, as I expert to be approved of by my great mafter, who will not acquit me, if