7he P R E Ffl CV. lxxrii if I (hall endeavour to transfer the faith " of his difciples from his own word to " human decrees. And íhall I ever dare " to trifle or prevaricate in religious pro- " feffions ? Shall I be intimidated in doing " my duty to God, and in maintaining the " rights of confcience, by an exprefi'ive re- gard to the opinions of men ? The pre- " tence of preferving my ufefulnefs is really " a (ham. Is that to be preferved at the " expence of liberty and truth ? But in this " great affair I have my weakneffes to afliid s` me. Lord, firengthen me with might by thy " Jpirit in the inner man." cc CC CC CC C[ CC CC CC CC <C CC CC AGAIN, " It has pleafed God often to try me with difficulties in the exercife of my minifiry. I have met with ill -ufage from many. I have been, I think, ill- treated by fome of my brethren ; and, now, contention is rifen up to a deftruc- tive height among them. What the effects of force late proceedings may be, I can- not tell. But tome have pufhed matters of debate with fuch vehemence, as is like to render force minifters exceedingly ob- noxious to the cenfures of an unthinking multitude, and thereby to mar their ufe- 6` fulnefs.