Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. llarxv difficulties arifing from the jealoufies fpread among their people. The reputation which Mr. Abernethy had acquired, and which was eftablifhed by a long courfe of a moff exemplary life, was no fecurity to him from thefe. Some of his people forfook his miniftry, and went to other congregations. And in force time the number of the fcru- pulous and diffatisfied fo increafed, that they were by the minifters of the Synod ereEted into a diftinft congregation, and called a minifter. MR. Abernethy, in the whole courfe of this affair carried it with the greateft mo- defty. He had been long held in the high- eft efteein by many who now forfook him; and it was not a fmall trial of his virtue to bear every thing he met with patiently, and with the ufual compofure of his fpirit. Many are the grave and ferious reflections he makes upon this turn of affairs in his diary. But there are force tender points which forbid the publifhing of them. THERE happened about this time, a vacancy in the congregation of Wood fireet, by the death of one of their paftors, the late