iv 7e PREFACE. confiderable time ; but Mr. Abernethy hapening to cart his eye upon fomething at a diftance which catched his fancy, they ran off on a fudden ; and, the moment they removed, the arch, upon which they had been Handing, fell down ; fo they very nar- rowly efcaped being crufhed to pieces. HE continued at college, till he took the degree of Mailer of Arts : Then his own inclination led him to the ftudy of phyfic ; but he was diverted from this by the advice of his friends, and applied hitnfelf to that of divinity ; in purfuance of which he went to Edinburgh, and was force time under the care of the celebrated profeffor Campbel. Upon his return home, he pro- ceeded in his ítudies with great fuccefs, and was foon taken notice of by the prefbytery of Route, (of which his father was a mem- ber) and, under their direction, went through the ufual trials, as a candidate for the miniftry. He was licenfed to preach, before he was one and twenty. In yune 1701, he had an invitation to preach in the diffenting congregation at Antrim, which was then vacant ; and the people, upon hear- ing him, expreffed an inclination to call him to