lxxvi The PREFACE. late reverend Mr. Boyle ; and the people gave Mr. Abernethy an invitation to fucceed him. Many circumflances concurred to in- cline him to accept of that invitation, and it was the opinion of molt of his friends, that his removal to Dublin would be of real fervice to the diffenting intereft. But he found difficulty in the profecution of this de- fign, arifing principally from the Rate of his congregation at Antrim. The far greater part of the old congregation had adhered firmly to him, and retained as high an efteem of him as ever : And if he fhould leave them unfettled in that time of diftraEtion, he imagined the confequences might be very bad. He refolved therefore to accept of the invitation from Wood flreet, only upon con- dition, his people of Antrim fhould be fa- tisfied, and actually provided with a fuc- ceffor. This he publickly declared as a proper expreffion of his regard for them. In fome time they carne into the choice of a minifter to fucceed him, upon which he de- clared his acceptance of the call from TVood- flreet, and immediately removed thither. THE concern of mind with which he entered upon with this charge, and his fo licitude