Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Ile PREFACE. lxxxiii ile will, and a fixed truft in the power and goodnefs of that Being who governs all. He died in the fixtieth year of his age. I HAVE already given an account of fome papers he publifhed, as the courfe of thefe thort memoirs of his life made it neceffary. I fhall now mention the refl. The firft he publifhed, was a fermon on occafion of the acceffion of King George the firfl, on Pfal. xx. 6. When he was moderator of the ge- neral fynod, he preached a fermon (according to the ufual rule, before them) on Dan. xii. 4. which was publifhed. He printed like - wife a fermon preached on a fart -day, ap- pointed by the general fynod, on account of the animofities then in the north. The text was, i Cor. iii. 3. After he came to Dublin, he preached a fet of fermons upon the divine attributes ; and in his own life publifhed an oClavo volume of them, all which were upon the exiftence and natural perfetions of the Deity. After his death, the fecond volume was publifhed by his friends, upon the moral attributes. Thefe fermons were printed in Dublin, and re- printed in London. I have only to add thai f 2 he