Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. lxxxv they were not difagreeable to fuch as knew him; but ftrangers were often furprized to hear him reafon juftly, and fpeak with ex- aEtnefs, when he appeared to them very little to mind what he was engaged in. OF his eminent piety much has been al- ready faid, but it deferves a particular re- mark, that piety appeared in him in the molt amiable manner, and like itfelf, manly and rational ; there was nothing gloomy, nothing Riff or unnatural in his religion. And he was extremely happy in a free, eafy and cheerful manner, in conjunäion with the greateft tendernefs of fpirit, and, the warmeft zeal for God. In his temper and behaviour, men faw that religion, as it was intended to be, fo is in reality, the perfec- tion of nature ; no other than the proper exercife and improvement of our faculties, and the beft means of attaining to the true enjoyment of life. THE whole of his conduCt was guarded by the greateft prudence. The moft im- portant fecrets might with perfed fàfety be committed to him. And he had the greateft f 3 tendernefs