The PRE FACE. y to the paftoral charge ; but he refolved, before he fettled any where, to fpend fome time in Dublin. He preached in feveral congregations in the city, particularly that of Wood/lreet, from which he received an invitation to flay with them force time : This they defired, with an intention of choofii g him to the pafloral office, in con - junftion with the late Reverend Mr. Boyfè ; but his father's advice, not difagreeable to his own inclinations, determined him to re- turn to the north. he quickly received an unanimous call from the congregation of Antrim ; but before he was ordained there, his father died ; of whom all who knew him, had an high efteem : And a judicious friend, who was intimately acquainted with him writes thus concerning him : He was an eminent chriftian, a learned di- " vine, a vigilant, laborious pallor, a man " of deep penetration, and folidity of judg- e ment, of a ftrength of memory almoft " unparalled, of an extenfive public fpirit, a delicate tafle for correct fpeaking and " writing, and a man of polite behaviour " an addrefs." a 3 CO L RRINE