lxxxviii The P R E F A C P. worthy it was of him to put on appearances of refpe& to the worthlefs ; and a Phew of honour and regard, where difregard only and negleJt were to be juflly expected. From this mean vice no man was ever more free. He knew what was due to others, and what he owed to himfelf; and was pecu- liarly happy in maintaining the dignity of his own charac er, confftently with modefty and the greateft meeknefs of fpirit. HE took much pleafure in direfling and afifling young candidates in their ftudies ; and was always ready to enter into conver- fation with them upon any points, with the difficulty of which their minds were preffed and entangled. But made it his care prin- cipally to affift their reafonings, and in form- ing their judgments of things by argument, and according to evidence; endeavouring to encourage liberty of thinking, and to take them off from all undue regard to autho- rity, as he was himfelf the molt diflant poffible from claiming any, or thinking the worfe even of the youngeft learner for dif- fering from him in difputable points. His