The P R E TA C E. 1xxxix: His faithfulnefs to his friends (hewed it- felf remarkably in one thing, which is amongft the very tendereft offices, and re- quires the difcreeteft hand, that is, animad- verting freely upon their culpable weak- neffes. This he never failed of doing when there was the leaft profpeCt of advantage from it. And tho' he could at this part with feverity enough when that was necef- fary, yet it was fo tempered with good -will, and an apparent intention to ferve the heft pur- pofes, that no one, not quite loft to ingenuous fentiments, could be difpleafed with him. And he thoroughly underftood how to ad- drefs himfelf to men in the molt effectual manner, and could touch the affections and fprings of aftion, with great dexterity, fuit- ing his application to the various tempers of men, which no one could more readily find out. Ills firft appearances, as a preacher, pro - mifed very confiderable things, but he quickly exceeded all the expectations of his friends. Through the whole time of his miniftry in the north, he preached without the ufe of his notes in the pulpit ; yet was feldom