Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Chr ian Fortitude. gq arrive at perfetion, fuck is the nature of the SERM. human capacity, it is not perfe ± at once, but IV. is carried on by degrees, and by a conftant ex- ercife and repeated adsi to maturity ; for by this method- habits are acquired, and a faci- lity and pleafure in that manner of a wing in which men were at firft but aukward and had little fatisfat tiòn. I will add but one obfervation more on this fubje&, that religious induftry will produce conftancy as its natural effe&; Whatever obligations we are under to diligence in our duty at any time, do equally bind us at every time ; and there can be no fure evidence of our fincerity without a perfevering ftedfaft- nefs in the work of the Lord. The fervice of Chrift is not become either more burden- fome or difhonourable than it was, nor are the things which are true, and pure, and juft, and honeft, and virtuous, lefs lovely and praife- worthy; we fhall rather find that the more we think on, and the more we do them, they are 11111 the more worthy of that cha- raéter, and our ¡älvation is nearer than when we believed. Let us, therefore, then under - ftand the diretion in the text, giving all dili- gence, that as it extends to every virtue, fo it does to the whole time of our lives ; not like VOL. II. H the