Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

I o z Of Chrian Fortitude. SERM. thity between the world and them; and IV. thews them they were always to expert ha- `''v".' tred, ill -ufage, and injuries from the men of this world. Here then is another occafion for the exercife of chriftian fortitude, which may in fome cafes require all our ftrength, How difficult muft it be to Rand unmoved againft a train of fufferings in our outward eftate, in our bodies, againft galling re- proaches, defpiteful ufage, and all manner of wrongs, and ítill to maintain integrity, meek- nefs and patience ? It is further to be con- fidered, that the fcriptures often fpeak of in, vifible, malignant powers, as having by di- vine permifi'ion, great influence upon affairs in this world, and particularly, as inítigating wicked men to evil works, So the apoftle fpeaks of * the prince of the power of the air, who worketh in the children of (Obedience, And t We wre/?le not ( that is, not only) again!? flefh and blood, but again!? princi- palities and powers, again!? the rulers of the darknefs of this world, again!? f iritual wicked neffès in high places. And how much thofe invifible wicked agents may contribute to the difficulties and trials of the chriftian life, who can certainly fay ? But however that may be, * Eph. ü. a. t Eph, vi. i z. the 4