Of Chrian Fortitude. I L I dead, thou (halt be laved. Where confefling SERME with the mouth, that is an open avowed pro- IV. feffion of chriftianity, is declared as neceffary ""v"--4 to our being faved, as believing in the heart; and he adds at the loth verfe, for with 'the heart man believeth unto righteoufiaefi, and with the mouth confeffion is made unto /àlva- tion. Our Saviour himfelf, in effeI taught the fame doarine when he join'dbaptifmwith faith, as requifite to falvation ; as * He that believeth, and is baptized fhall be Paved. For the principal intention of that ordinance, was to initiate men into chriftianity, and to be a public declaration of their embracing it, and that they bound themfelves to obferve its laws; and when he tells his difciples, that whofo- ever fhould either thro' fear or fhame, deny him and his words, him will he deny before his father and before the angels. On the other hand, virtue is very pro- perly propofed to be added to faith, becaufe faith is the only foundation upon which it can Rand. If we would be ftrong and with refolution adhere to the chriflian profeflion, and to our duty, it is firft and above all things neceffary, that we be eflablifhed in the faith, which is the chief fupport of * 1VIark xvi. 16. re-