Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

f f ï bf Cbriflian Fortitu&. SERM. refolution, and furnifhes us with thofe trrÒ IV. tives which will prevail againft all tempta-' E^^ tions, St. fohn teaches us, that this is the viblory that overcometh the world, even our faith which is the ± Stibfiance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not feen, which gives us the affurance of a better and more enduring fubftance, and fo makes us take joyfully the fpoiling of our goods, and bear patiently thofe light ajliHions which are but for a moment, as knowing, that they work for us, an exceeding great and eternal weight of glory II. And St Paul, in the fixth chap - ter of his epiftle to the Ephefians, defcribing the whole fpiritual warfare, and the prepa- ration of a chriftian to at his part in it, un- der the fimilitude of a warrior's armour and his weapons, lays the greateft ftrefs upon faith, as the molt effectual fupport of reli- gious valour, and the belt prefervative againft being overcome by temptations. At the i 6th verfe, above all, taking the fhield of faith, wherewith ye (hall be able to quench all the fitly darts of the wicked. And in the i oth verfe be f rong in the Lord, and the power of his might. We endure as feeing him who is in- vifìble, . in the fenfe of our own weaknefs, A i John v. 4. t Hob. xi. z Cor. iv. 17. in.