Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Chrian Fortitude. t x 3 In all our temptationsand confli ts, íB11 how- SERM. ever with refolution to exert all the powers IV. we have, we rely on him whofe grace * is V `() fujiicient for us, and his flrength made perfect in our weaknefs, and faith reprefenting the reality and certainty of future diftant things, both rewards and punifhmcnts, animates our courage, and excites us to diligence and Ready refolution in breaking thro' all difficulties, to be fledfáß and unmoveable, ahQays abounding in the work of the Lord. z Cor. *ii. 9 NoL. SER-