Of Knowledge. 117 In difcourfing on thefe words more parti- SERM. cularly, I fhall firfl confider what kind of V. knowledge is the fubjeâ of this exhortation ; "^° idly, the reafonablenefs of our endeavouring to attain it, and make daily progrefs in it ; and 3dy, I fhall propofe fome diretions order to this end. Firf, let us confider what kind of know- ledge is the fubjel of this exhortation. Know- ledge in general, is an attainment or accom- plifhment very fuitable to a reafonable na-. ture, and will appear to our firft refletions the glory of man, becaufe it is the improve- ment of that faculty which is one of his diftinguifhing privileges above the inferior kinds of creatures. At the fame time it is obvious, that the human underftanding very much needs improvement ; for it is weak at firft, and grows up by degrees, and by a confiant exercife, to its maturity. Nor are the means which nature hath provided in common for all men ; that is, our fenfes by which we receive the information of things without, and our capacity of attending to, and refleiing on them, and on our own powers, thefe means, I fay, as they are afforded to all men alike, are not futficient for 13 acquiring