AMU 12 g Of Knowledge. SERM. (improve diligently the means of education V. and inftrultion) bind them continually upon `-'"\r`-' thine heart, and tie them about thy neck, (that is, let thy mind be filled with them, and turn thy thoughts always to them as the heft guide of thy ways.) When thou god, it (the commandment thus fix'd in the heart, with underftanding by inftrution and me= ditation) (hall lead thee, when thou fleepell it Jhall keep thee, and when thou awakejl it (hall talk with thee ; for the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light, and the reproofs of hylruelion are the way of lifè to keep thee from evil. Secondly, In proportion to the meafure of our knowledge, fo is our ftedfaftnefs; if it is of a rational kind. It is good to have the heart eflablifhed with grace, and a great unhappinefs to be always in a wavering and fiuEtuating condition of mind, ready to be driven by every wind. The apoftle * compares the Rate of thofe who are fo toffed to and fro; to that of children ; and children they are, becaufe of their fmall meafure of únderftand . ing. j- Brethren be not children in under- 'landing ; howbeit in malice be you children, but in underflanding be men. It is much to Eph, iv. i }. t Cor. xiv. 20. be