Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

zoo Of Knowledge. SE RM. to difcern light and colours, and the ear per - V. ceive founds, fo the upright unbiaffed judg- `'`f'inent difcovers the doEtrines of truth; they are an object connatural to it, and our Saviour tells us, that hisfheep, that is, his true dif- ciples,, who are fincerely difpofed to follow him, know his voice, and can diftinguifh be- tween it and the voice of ftrangers ; that is, the voice of error. I conclude with that gra- cious declaration God has made in favour of his upright fervants, * The fecret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will Phew them his covenant. * Pf. xxv. 14. SER-