154 Of Temperance. SERM not on things on the earth, not on the plea- VI. fures and cares of life, but the things above, ....V.""J on holinefs, on the perfe &ion of righteoufnefs and innocence in the heavenly fiate, unlefs, I fay, it be fo, he has not attained to the chri- ftian virtue of temperance; in order to which it is neceffary that we mortify the deeds of the body, and crucify the flefh with its lulls and afec`tions. Some indeed have run into the extream of voluntary feverities, fallings and abftinences, with other things of like nature, in which they place religion, which, as the apoftle fays *, have indeed a Phew of wifdom and humility, and negletling the body; but the error lies in a fond imagination that fuch uncommanded aufterities pleafe God, and make atonement for fin : whereas he is a roof' beneficent Being, who delights in the happi- nefs of his creatures, efpecially in the profpe- rity of his fervants ; he impofes no arbitrary hardíhips upon them, nor requires them to impofe any upon themfelves, or to exercife any difcipline over their bodies with their ap- petites and pallions, but fuch only as may minifter to the purpofes of virtue, which is their greateft felicity. He allows them the free ufe of his creatures, which the fcripture Col. ii. declares