Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Temperance. 155 declares to be all good, and none of them to be SERM. refufèd, if received with thankfgiving, and VI. improved to good ends, preferving Rill a good `.Y.. and ingenuous temper of mind, with vigo- rous affeäions to the belt objekls, and not brought under the power of any thing in this world. I come now in the fecond place to propofe fome motives to fobriety and temperance; and tho' what I intend chiefly to infift upon, are thofe confiderations which the gofpel con- tains, yet we ought not to pafs over the argu- ments which reafon itfelf fuggefts. Indeed the infpired writers themfelves do not negle ± them; the apollle St. Paul* exhorts chriflians to think on whatever things are true, and pure, and homll, and lovely, and of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praifè, which in effect is an appeal to the common fenfe of mankind concerning the amiablenefs and excellence of virtue. This particular virtue of temperance Rands upon the fame foot with the reff, and is like them recom- mended by its own native beauty and intrinfic worth, which at firft ftrikes any mind which attends to it. It is impoffible for any one, * Phil. iv, 8. upon