Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Temperance. 137 ment of fuch indignity to the honour of their SERM. fpecies, and a regard to the prerogatives of VI. their being, might roufe the moft voluptuous `"^r`J of mankind out of their reproachful ftupidity, that it might engage them to (hake offthe in- glorious yoke, and reftore the fovereignty of reafon, which is their true glory. Befides, intemperance naturally tends to make life not only mean and contemptible, but miferable. Perhaps vicious men will not be convinced that they deprive them- felves of the trueft and moft fubftantial plea - fures, thofe of the mind, which arife from the pra &ice of virtue and the approbation of confcience. But, this at leaft one would think fhould affect them, that their vices are accom- panied with many outward inconveniencies, that they bring on mortal difeafes, grievous pains and fufferings, poverty and difgrace in this world ; fo that upon a fair computation of the lofs and gain of temperance and intem- perance, judgment muff be given for the for- mer; and it will appear that to live foberly, is the way to live happily, even abftrading from the confideration of a future Rate. Solomon in the book of Proverbs, among many other ufe- ful obfervations on human life, infifts largely on the unhappy prefent effet`t of debauchery; he