Of Temperance. t 559 f rrow ? >Wbo bath contention? Who bath bah- `SEÏÏM. Ming? Who bath wounds without caúfè ? Who VI. bath rednefs of eyes? They that tarry long at `-"v the wine, that go to feek mix'd wine ; look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth its colour in the cup, when it moveth itfelf aright ; at the laic it biteth like a fer- pent, andflingeth like an adder. Betides, fuch fenfual exceffes deftroy the very end of them, and mar that pleafure they are intended to yield. Men, by an habitual immoderate in- dulgence of their appetites may increafe the uneafinefs of defire, which is itfelf au unhap- pinefs; but they abate rather than increafe the fatisfaetion which arifes from fenfible enjoy- ments, which comes purer and ftronger, as well as with more innocence, to the tempe- rate perfon, whofe appetite is not palled by an immoderate fruition. Such arguments, and many more, reafon and experience will fuggeft to any attentive perfon. But, I intended principally to inf li on thefe confederations which are contained in the gofpel. It deferves the ferious attention of chriftians, that the blefted Author of our religion himfelf, and his apoftles after him, very frequently and carnally inculcate this virtue. Our 8