Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

162 Of Temperance. SERM. thofe who profefs great refpeft to him, and VI. call him Lord, if they have impenitently con - 1/4^^ tinned workers of iniquity ; nay, if they fhould be able to fay, we have propheeJed in thy name, and call out devils, and done many wonder/id works ; yet he will profefs unto them, I never knew you ; that is, I never approved and acknowledged you as my true difciples ; for, not every one that faith unto nce, Lord, Lord, (hall enter into the king- dom of heaven, but he that doth the will of my father which is in heaven. Which will is the law of eternal righteoufnefs and virtue, comprehending the duties of fobriety and temperance, as well as of piety and benevo- lence. It is the peculiar glory of the chriflian re- ligion that God has given his holy Spirit to confirm the truth, to infpire the firft teachers of it, and incline and affift men to obey its precepts. It is therefore called the minifira- tion of the fpirit. The virtues it prefcribes are the fruits of the fpirit ; and the vices con- trary to them are peculiarly aggravated as they are trefpaffes againft that divine inftrutor. Now the apoftle exprefily teaches us * that Gal. iii. v. zo tern-