Of Temperance. temperance is one of the fruits of the fpirit, a virtue which the law of the fpirit of life in Cbr/ JeJùs is intended to form in men, and the indulging of fenfual appetites grieves the Holy. Spirit whereby we, are foaled unto the day of redemption. He exhorts us in this manner *, Be not drunk with wine wherein is excel, but be filled with the fpirit. For that perfon who abandons himfeif to impurity and criminal exceffes is nota fit temple for the HolyGhoft, or as the apoftle eifewhere fpeaks, an habitation of God thro' the fpirit. But there are two arguments which you will find particularly and often urged in the New Teliament, one is taken from the cir cumfrances of our prefent Bate compared with the future. The fècond is, that tem- perance is an excellent prefervative from fnares and temptations. The frfl, I fay, is taken from the circumftances, of our prefent fiate compared with the future. Our condi- tion in this world is reprefented by the facred writers as very íhort and uncertain, and ex- perience-thews it to be fo. Here we have no continuing city, but we look for one whofe builder and maker is God. Now, this con. * Eph. v. 18. M 2 federation,