Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

t 90 0.1 Patience. SERM. utmoft affurance that God would preferve the VII. whole company in the 'hip, yet infifted that the laft extremity the failors 'hould not leave them, nay, declares exprefsly, that ex.. cept thew abide in the whip, ye cannot be faved, but no man can pretend that he commits him- felf to God, and waits upon him, while he takes thofe meafures for fafety which he knows in his heart God does not approve. He that believeth, and patience is the fruit of faith, will not make fuch hafte ', particularly, pati- ence is always accompanied with meeknefs, or an humble, charitable, and unrevengeful fpirit toward thofe who have been injurious to us. If the awe of God reftrains men from opening their mouths againft heaven, they fometimesgivethemfelves the moft outragious licence in reproaching their fellow creatures, who are the inftruments of their trouble. But this is not agreeable to the example of our bleffed Mailer, who in all his fufferings carried it not only with dutiful fubmiffion to the will of his heavenly Father, but meekly towards his enemies, who treated him with moft inhumanity. He was led like -j- a lamb to the (laughter, and as the fheep before her (hearers is dumb, fo he opened not his mouth. * Ifai xxviii. 16. j Ibid liii. 7. When