Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

196 Of Patience. SERM. noxious to the difpleafure of God, by our own VII. fins, and liable to calamities of many forts, as wU the natural confequence of our own folly, according to the eftablifhed courfe and con - flitution of things ; why Ihould we repine at far lefs degrees of fufferings, wifely dif- penfed by our gracious heavenly Father, for his honour and our good; efpecially fince we are affured of a happy event, that as Chrift is now fet down at the right hand of God, he has prepared manfions therefor his fervants, that he will bring them out of all their tribula- tions, and if they Mier with him, they fhalf ago reign with him, and be gloried together? S E R-