Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Godlinefs. 199 godlinefs confifts ; and fecondly the reafona- VIII. blenefs and neceflity of adding it to other wv virtues. Firfl, wherein godlinefs confiíts. And it takes in all thofe difpofitions of mind, with the proper expreflions of them, which are due to the high perfe9ions of the Deity, and which refult from the relations we bear to him. Thofe notions which natural and re- vealed religion teach us to form of the fupreme Being, direct us in paying our refped and homage to him. As he is eternal, inde- pendent, infinitely excellent, powerful, wife, holy and good, the light of nature itfelf teaches us to glorify him by our praifes, to efteem, love and fear him, and to obey his will in all things, as far as it is known to us. As he is the almighty Creator of all things vifible and invifible, the preferver and go- vernor of the world, in whom we live and move, and have our being, and who daily loads us with his benefits, from hence arifes the obligation to gratitude, confidence in his mercy, fubmiflion and refignation to his providence. All thefe particulars which rea- fon dictates to men are more fully explained in the holy fcriptures, the principal defign of 0 4 which.