200 Of Godlinefs. SERM. which is to inftru& mankind clearly, to de- VIII. liver them from the errors and fuperïlition ``"-v' which generally prevailed, and teach them to ferve God fo as to pleafe him. From thefe confiderations of the Deity I have mentioned, and which are largely ex- plained in the rule of our religion, the in- ward affections which naturally arife, com- prehended in godlinefs, are, Firfl, fear; a reverence for his majefty, a ferious affecting fenfe of all his glorious attributes, not a con- founding terror and amazement which can proceed only from an apprehenfion of wrath and power, and is accompanied with averfion; but together with the acknowledgment of his fupremacy, the very higheft efteem of his amiable moral excellencies, and an un- willingnefs to offend him. The holy angels are reprefented in fcripture as approaching the throne of God in a very awful and hum- ble manner, covering their faces, which feems to fignify an acknowledgment of their diftance, and of his infinitely fuperior per- fe&ion. His worfhippers of mankind, who we have reafon to believe are the molt ac- ceptable, ferve him with the molt awful refpe &. With what reverence did .!Abraham, honoured with the title of his friend, addrefs the