Of GodlineJs. 2oß the mß high Gad, the paffjr of heaven and SERM, earth, confeffing that he was but duft and afhes. VIII. The higheft and moil powerful of all creatures L'-`v are confidered as nothing in comparifon, and the fear of God in a godly mind prevails againft the fear of the whole world, fo that his difpleafure is to be avoided at any rate, even tho' it fubject us to the rage and refent- ment of thofe who are the molt formidable upon earth. Thus our Saviour inftrufts us whom we fhould fear, not them who can only kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do, but him who bath power to dßroy foul and body in hell - fire*. Secondly, the fear of God, as the fcripture explains it, which is an effential part of god - linefs, and of the refpect he claims from us, doth not exclude love. It includes it rather, for a proper object of our fear, as the prophet fags f-, is his goodnef, which directly and naturally excites love. Our Saviour gives it as an abridgment of religion, the fum of our duty, the firft and great commandment of God's law if, to love the Lord our God, with all the heart, and with all the foul, and with all the mind. Love is the very belt tribute we can pay ; a.nd we may be fure the greater Mat. x. z8, t Hof. Iii. s. Mat. xxii. 37. 4 worth,