Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

204. Of Godlinefs. SERM. perfeaions and his government. So our VIII. minds are framed that we cannot but approve vv.`) the conduct of that agent who doth what is perfectly wife and abfolutely good. If we divert ourfelves of prejudices, and lay afide partial confederations, we (hall certainly judge fo; and that accidental private inconveniences which may attend a well-contrived fcheme for promoting the greateft good, ought not to be charged as a fault on the author, nor im- puted to any defeft of wifdom or goodnefs. If therefore it be a principle fufficiently evi- dent that the governor of the world, to whofe dominion all things are fubje t, and who does whatfoever plealeth him, is perfectly wife and good, it follows, that what he does is belt, abfolutely, and in the whole; and con- fequently that intire refignation and depent dente is due to him, that we fhould commit ourfelves to him, our ways and woks to his direction, who is the faithful Creator, the juft and wife, and gracious difpofer of all things. Thus only it is that we teftify our affection to his character and his government. To love him whom we acknowledge to be the great ruler of the world, that fupreme all - comprehending mind, who fees every, even the minuteft part in this great whole, the