Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Godlinefs. 205 the univerfe, adjufts all the relations of things, SER them in the bell manner, and di- VIII. reels the intire chain of events for the greateft abfolute good, and at the fame time to repine againft any of his difpenfations, and to refill his will, is a contradiaion ; for fuch mur- muring, fuch refiftance really amounts to a difefteem of his charafter, and difaffeflion to his government. The chriftian revelation, as in many other points, particularly in this, gives great light to the minds of men and relieves them from many anxieties and diftreffes. However rea- fonahle it might appear to be, it would be difficult to abftraf fo wholly from all con- federation of our own intereft, as to reft fully fatisfied in an adminiftration proved in general to be the wifeft and abfolutely belt, without any particular affurance of our own happinefs. But it has pleafed God to give us an exprefs promife of eternal life, upon the condition of repentance and fincere obedience; and not only fo, but that all their afiaions and trials (hall work together for the good of them that love him. And this is a great fupport to godlinefs; a great encouragement to ttuft in God at all times, to hope in his mercy and faithfulnefs, to call our cares and burdens 11$071