o6 Of Godlánef SERM. upon him, believing that he careth for us, VIII. and that he is a rewarder of all them who ' v e diligently feek him. When I fpeak of refignation to God, I do not only mean that we fhould be fatisfied with the occurrences of life, as ordered by divine providence, which is indeed an im- portant part of godlinefs, and a noble expreffion of our love and refpet to the Deity; but that we fhould approve and atively obey his precepts, fubmitting to his moral, as well as providential government. For his eternal laws of righteoufnefs are a part of his conftitution ; the appointment of his wifdom and goodnefs for us, (excellently fitted to our nature, and defigned to lead us to our proper perfe &ion and hàppinefs) that we may fulfil the part which is afíigned us, in the intire fcheme of his government, as the belt fuited to our capacity. Obedience to his commands is a juft and natural ex- preßïon of all dutiful and good affections to him, of fear, of love, of gratitude, and re- fignation, at leaft, all profefíions and ap- pearances of refped without it are but vain, and will be punifhed by him as a real indig- nity. Why, fays our Saviour, call ye me Lord, and do not the things which I fay? and