208 Of Godlinefs. SERm. in the name of God, tells the people of VIII. Ifrael in the Soth pfalm, that he will not reprove them for fäcrfces and burnt ferings to have been continually before him. What he inculcated more earneftly, and laid much greater flrefs on, was ofiring thankfgivings to God, andpaying their vows to the mo high, by a thorough effectual reformation of their lives. The fame pious author elfewhere gives this as the character of the man that fhall afcend to the hill of God, and And in his holy place; he that bath clean hands and a pure heart, who bath not lifted up his föul to vanity, nor fworn deceitfully*. And more fully in the i 5th, the godly man who (hall dwell in the tabernacle of the Lord, is de- fcribed by the conftant diligent practice of moral duties. He that walketh uprightly and worked) righteozfnefs, and fpeaketh the truth in his heart ; that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach againfl his neighbour. In whofe eyes a vile perfon is contemned, but he honoureth them that far the Lord; he that fweareth to his own hurt and changeth not. The fame doctrine is yet more clearly taught and largely infifted on in the New Teftament, * Pfal. xxiv. 4. Our