Of Godlinefs. 209 Our Saviour often reproves the Jews of his SERM. time becaufe religion with them had degene- VIII. rated into empty forms. They employed them- felves wholly in, and valued themfelves on the fcrupuloufly exaI performance of out- ward inftrumental duties, while they neg- Ieded fubftantial holinefs and virtue ; they tithed mint, annife, and cummin, but negleded judgment, faith, mercy, and the love of God, the weightier matters of the law. And the apoftles likewife take care to inftru t chri- flians that the chriftian religion does not con- flit in external things ; the kingdom of God, the effence of true chriflianity, is not meat and drink, but righteournef and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghofl *. Yet the external as of adoration and ho- mage to the Deity are not to be left undone ; and the performing of them according to his inflitution is a part of Godlinefs. In our prefent Rate the affe &ions of the mind natu- rally vent themfelves by fome outward anions. $enevolence, efteem, gratitude, and other difpofìtions towards our fellow-creatures, are not filent and una&ive in the heart. Nature and cuftom have taught us the proper ex- preflions whereby they fhew themfelves, and * Rom. xiv. 17. VOL. II. P if