zip Of Godlinef. SERM. if thefe be altogether omitted,we (hall fcarcely VIII. conclude that the inward principles have a being. By a parity of reafon, if we have internal good affections to the Deity, the fin - cerity and the force of them are difcovered by proper outward ads. If human fupe- riors reafonably require that their fubjeds íhould recognize their rights, and pay them the public refped they claim, is it not jufl that the Poplar of heaven and earth, the Lord of the JJirits of all flefh, Ihould be ho- noured with our external acknowledgments? Not that there is any value in the outward performance, as feparated from the affedion but fuppofing firft the fincerity of good prin- ciples and difpofitions in the foul, they ought to be exerted in external ads of worship, for two reafons : FirA, becaufe that has a tendency to in- creafe them. The body and the mind in our prefent conftitution have a mutual in- fluence on each other. As the vigorous at- tention of the mind and the earneft exertion of its powers, fometimes, even overbears the external fenfes, and fufpends or abates their exercife, fo the ufe of the bodily organs, as in fpeaking, or other appointed fignificant actions, tends to fix the attention of the mina, and