Of GodlineL. 2 ì t and invigorate its affections. Experience SERM. juftifies the inftitution for it teaches men VIIIL that while they fpeak to God in prayers and praifes, and perform other appointed fervices in the due manner, pious difpofions, in which godlinefs principally con fifes, are $rengthened. Secondly, Another reafon for outward ads of adoration and homage to God is, that thereby we may glorify him. As his fer- vants efteem him in their hearts, they love and fear, they truft in and are devoted to him, all thefe ought to be teftified by tome proper external ads, that others feeing their good works may be alfo induced to , honour him. This is what is principally meant by that celebrated expreßion in fcripture, calling on the name of the Lord: not particular as of worfhip, but a public and open profeffion of the true religion, which every godly man will make, and in fome cafes it is the belt evidence that can be given of fincere piety. It is obferved *, that when men were mul- tiplied on the earth, and probably the good feparated from the wicked, then began mén to call on the name of the Lord. To join in religious folemnities as a public acknowledg- * Gen. iv. 26. P z ment