4. Mutual Edification, the Duty of Cbr ftians. SERM. life of godlinefs, and points of curious fpe- I culation, which are the occafions and the of fierce contention, direcl:ly con- trary to the true defign and genius of'chriftia- nity ; thefe teachers and all chriftians ought to avoid if they would promote edification, applying themfelves principally to thofe doc- trines which have a direct tendency to pro- mote good affections and a good life. Thirdly, chriftian edification is in charity, as appears from the fequel of the apoftie's words laft cited ; for having warn'd Timothy againft thofe curious unprofitable fpeculations which minifter contentious debate, not godly edifying, he immediately fubjoins, verfe 5, as in direct oppofition to them, Now the end ©f the commandment is charity, out of a pure heart, and of a good confcience, and of faith unfeigned. Plainly intimating, that as cha- rity from thefe principles is the end of the gofpel, edification in it, is godly edifying which is in faith; and in Eph. iv. i6, he exprefly fays, that the edifying of the body of Chr f, is in love. You will remember what I obferved before, that to underftand this fubject right, we ought to confider chriftians either as in their relatian to one another and to Chrift their head, as members of the fame body