Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

217 Of Godlinefs. SERM. ment of the true God, and his pure worfhip. VIII. And to this purpofe St. Paul * applies that `"v' declaration of the prophet 7oel, whofoever (hall call on the name of the Lord(hall be faved ; that is, whofoever (hall in the fincerity of his heart, make open profeffion of the true religion, be- lieving in and worfhipping the true God; for the apoftle has (hewn in that context, that as with the heart man believeth unto righteouf- nefs, fo there muff be alfo an agreeablenefs of our outward behaviour to this, for with the mouth confèffion is made unto folvation. And our Saviour often tells his difciples, that whoever fhall confèfs him before men, him will he confèfs before his Father and before the angels ; but whoever (hall be aflxamed of him and deny him before men, of him will he be afhamed and deny him before his Father who is in heaven. A religious or godly profeffion is made, not only by words, but public ads of wor- fhip, in which focieties join as a teftimony of their believing in the fame God, and acknow- ledging the fame rule of worfhip and obe- dience. And tho' this is far from being the all, or indeed the main of a pious character, yet I don't fee that the omitting it altogether Rom. x. 13, can