.----- Of Godlinefi. a 1^ can in ordinary circumftances confift with SERM. true piety. As it is exceeding plain that VIII. chriflianity requires our affembling for wor- '-"").^' fhip, I can't but obferve that fome chriftians negleaing it fo much as they do, thews too great an indifference to the injunctions of our Lord, and to the defign of fuch affemblies. Perhaps they may imagine, and I will fuppofe it to be true, that they cannot expel any great improvement in knowledge, by attend- ing the public inftrutions ; yet their with- drawing altogether is an offenfive example, and has an ill influence on their weaker fellow - chriftians, whofe weaker capacity and under - ftanding both needs and may receive informa- tion in matters of the greateft moment to them. Betides, a well difpofed mind may bear, and think it no difagreeable entertain- ment to be ftirred upby way of remembrance, (which St. Peter thought was a' juft reafon for writing his epiftles) I fay, to be ftirred up by a repetition of religious truths, which it has known before. And, confidering the many avocations we have from pious exercifes, it may not be unprofitable for the belt and wifeft men, jointly with their fellow -wor dhippers, at fet times to engage their folemn P 3 attention