Of Godliners. 2 1,5 nvention; confidering this, I fay, we are SERM. indebted to revelation, as there the external VIII. folemnities of devotion are afcertained by an "v"""j exprefs inftitution of God. And, efpecially, it is the peculiar excellence of the chriflian difpenfation that it prefcribes a religious ter- vice which is pure and fimple and rational, and which our Saviour, by way of diftin&ion, and in oppofition to all other forms, calls fpirit and truth. I proceed now to confider according to the apoftle's direEtion in the text, Secondly, The reafonablenefs and necef- fity of adding godlinefs to all other virtues. It is indeed a dangerous miftake to imagine that, taking it in a ftri& fenfe, it is the whole of our duty. Other virtues are of eternal and indifpenfible obligation, as well as piety, and the grace which brings falvation, or the gofpe!, teaches us not only to live godly, but f berly and righteouJly ; but it is a main part of our duty both on its own account, and as it is the chief fupport of all virtue. Fir://, if we confider godlinefs in itfelf abftra&edly, it will appear to be a very eminent and im- portant branch of our duty. Not only is it fo P 4 re-