216 Of Godline/i. SERM. reprefented in the holy fcriptures, the rule VIII. of our religion, but if we attend to the rea- tM-' fon and nature of the thing, we muff be convinced, that as God is the mofl excellent of all beings with whom we have to do as our ruler and confiant benefador, and our judge, our firfl refpeEls are due to him. It is the great commandment of God's law to men, and mull be fuppofed to be the great commandment of any law he would give to reafonable creatures, to love him with all the heart, and foul, and mind. Can it be thought that he would form fuch creatures with fo- cial affedions, and under a law of mutual kindnefs, in order to the happinefs of all, and every one, which our Saviour calls the fecond commandment ; and not require that we fhould love and honour him, the pattern of all perfeäion, and the parent of all good, ha- ving given us clear difcoveries of his being and glorious excellencies, endued us with powers naturally capable of dikerning them, and even a neceffary determination to admire and efleem them ? Itis the diflinguifhingprivi- lege of mankind to be capable ofreligion. There are plain enough traces of reafoning in other forts of fenfitive beings, but no appearance of