Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

2 18 Of Godlin f . SERM. that is, an afi`e&ionate refped to the Deity VIII. with proper expreffions of it, is a very im- ` v 'portant and a very evident part of our duty as reafonable creatures. Secondly, It ought therefore to be added to all other virtues, becaufe it is the chief fup- port and fecurity of them, and where it prevails has a great influence on men to pratife them, It is not the profeffed deiìgn of revealed re- ligion, merely to make men pious, but from that principle to make them univerfally vir- tuous. Accordingly in fcripture, when our whole duty is fet before us, and abridgments given of all God requires, other particulars are mentioned in conjuntion with piety. Thus in the prophecies of Micah *, He bath 'hewed thee O man ! what is -good, and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do ji/lly, end to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. And Solomon ± gives this as the conciufion of the whole matter, the whole duty and whole intereft or happinefs of men; to fiar God and keep his command- ments, comprehending his whole unchange- able law of righteoufnefs, fobriety, and mercy, which are neceffarily connehed together. If the fear of God, or fome * Micah vi. '8. t Ecclef. xii. i 3. ex- 7