Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

220 Of Godlinef . SE/1M. which is good, univerfal righteoufnefs, 'cha- ViII. rity, £aithfulnefs, temperance, patience and `''humility ; and befides, if we acknowledge his moral perfebions, we cannot but believe he is pleafed with every thing which is pure, and true, and honeft, and juft, and virtuous, and praife- worthy, it follows that we cannot better teftify our refpeft to him than by think- ing on and doing theft things. Again, a defire to imitate the Deity is imported in true godlinefs, or a fincere refpeä to him. In vain fhould we pretend to efteem any excel- lent being, which can only be on the account of his moral character ; for infinite power and wifdom, with other natural attributes of God, feparated from that, might be the object of admiration and terror, but not of affe%ion ; how vain, I fay, would it be to pretend an efteem for him, and not defire and endeavour to refemble him ? Now, the righteoufnefs of God is like the great moun- tains, eminent and confpicuous, firm and flable. The Lord is good unto all, bis tender mercies are over all his works ; he opens his hand liberally and fupplies the wants of his creatures; he is kind to the unthankful and the evil. How then can we fay, that we love God, and have our minds filled with re-