Of Godlinefs. 22/ reverenence for him, while we are altogether SERM. unlike him ? when inftead of righteoufnefs, VIII. long- fuffering, abundant goodnefs, and coin - pafion, we are unjuft, deceitful, implaca- ble, and cruel ? This indeed is fo plain a cafe, that it is impoflible for any one thro' mere weaknefs to miftake it ; any one efpe- cially who has the opportunity of being inftruEted out of the holy fcriptures. The facred writers do fo conftantly and uniformly teach the neceffity of following God as dear children, and that if we would approve our - felves to him, it muff be by mercy rather than facrfce, and by obedience to his moral precepts more than by burnt- ooèrings, or any other external as of devotion. The application of the whole is, that we fhould exercife ourfelves unto godlinefs. That we fhould endeavour to have the prin- ciples of the fear and love of God more and more ftrengthened and confirmed in our hearts. To this end let us frequently me- ditate on thofe amiable reprefentations which the works of God, and efpecially his word, give us of him ; ufe the means of religion diligently, never refting in the outward form, but Rill making it our chief aim to have pious and devout affeóions excited in our hearts.